Friday, February 01, 2013

So Not So Well This Time

Last Tuesdays game was not my best effort. No matter what I tried, I couldn't seem to get the PCs into the adventure. I don't know if I was doing too much prodding, or not enough, but I couldn't get them to describe their actions.

I also was having a hard time describing the action of our one combat. Wasn't able to convey the sense of proportion or who was attacking who.

There were a lot of bad guys, so it was easy to get lost.

Compounding this was one new player thrown into the mix, and still a lot of questions on how powers and moves work.

Unfortunately, I still have some players that seem to be resisting the system. One who spends the entire session on his phone, and another that is always looking for ways to break the rules. sigh...

Off to a new GM for a few days. We'll see how that goes.

I'll try and post info on my GenCon game here - Monster Hunters of the Kingdom - as I create more content

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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