Sunday, January 27, 2013

Magic Items Are Hard

Last session I had the PCs select their own magic items from the treasure they recovered from the bandits. They described what they would like in general, and I have been trying to fill in the details. For some of the weapons and objects (because not everyone chose a weapon), I've been trying to create a specialized move. Just having a plus to this or that seemed kind of boring. It is harder than it looks, and I know it's going to take a couple of revisions.

On another very geeky note, I purchased my badge to GenCon today!


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Star Wars and Dungeon World

Up first - JJ Abrams is directing the new Star Wars. TBS has found the winner to their King of the Nerds contest.

Up next - Dungeon World got better last Tuesday. Better action, and more intrigue. Rally am enjoying this system.

If you want to listen to a live game podcast try roo sack games. They have three sessions and a discussion. I have only listened to two episodes, but they are fun.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Prepping for next Dungeon World Game

Starting to add in some of the epic elements to the game - hopefully this week.

Some of the things I'm adding in:

Magic Items
Epic Monsters
More Intrigue

I think that the Intrigue is going to be the toughest part.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Better Dungeons for All

This Tuesdays Dungeon World game went better. I was able to get out of the way at least some of the time, and let the players narrate their own actions.

The action and events were not as epic (not even close), but that was a combined effort of me not forcing the action, and the players not really seeking it out.

I feel better about next week - getting better at this. It is different than D20 or even the Savage worlds games I've run before. Although there are so many things I can take with me when I play those again.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Playing - let them Play

Played Dungeon World last Tuesday. Pretty good is about the best I could say. Story was good, but I need to let the players take over more.

Tough to change, but I think better - if I can get the hang of it.

So next up for the PCs is a trip to town with a bunch of kobold swords to see if they can sell them to the fake dwarven smith before the surly inn keeper runs them out of town.

It's always fun to write down what goes on during gaming. Honestly, it makes even less sense then when I say it out loud.

Monday, January 07, 2013


So I spent Sunday afternoon alternately frightening and amusing my family.

So goes an afternoon of Seahawks playoff football.

In the end it was a great game - the good guys won (Seahawks) and get to travel even farther this weekend.

Listen for the crying/cheering/screaming/swearing/tweeting from Maple Grove this Sunday - noon Central - the SeaDogs are back in action.

Go Hawks

Friday, January 04, 2013

Is Bad Gaming Good?

What happens when you like gaming with a group but don't like the game?

What happens when you like the game, but aren't having a good time playing?

What's more important, continuing to game as a group or gaming that gives you the most satisfaction?

I don't know.

What I do know is that I have faith that gaming is good. More gaming is better than less gaming. And the best thing is to game with your friends.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Listening to Podcasts

Having a good time the last few months listening to gaming podcasts (yes the dice and minis and graph paper games that I still play).

Here are some of my favorites:

Happy Jacks RPG Podcast -

Fear the Boot -

Carpe GM -

THAC0 - www.­thacopodcast.­com (possibly pod faded)

Geekhead Radio -

They are all available through the iTunes, or the pocasting app on an iPhone. Sorry, I don't keep up with Android.

Take a listen f you're interested. At the very least - they're funny.