Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Backgrounds for PCs

One of the things I have been neglecting in the Dungeon World game is background info for the PCs. Play starts, players think about their Bonds, and we start. That leads to the question - do PCs in Dungeon World need backgrounds. Are bonds enough?

I don't think so.

Bonds really only define the interaction between characters (which is awesome), but they don't have to do anything about what happened before the characters started adventuring, or even before the current set of adventure started. Information like that can give the DM a lot of information to make the game more personal for the players.

For my own game, I think I'll start with two questions:

What do you think of when you think of home?

What made you leave home to go adventuring?

"Rules" for answers.

Don't give too much information - make your answer short and open ended.
Think about your bonds when answering, use them as guides.

Thanks to Happy Jacks RPG podcast and Metagamers Anonymous podcast for the ideas.

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

JonCon 2013

Had the pleasure of attending one day of JonCon this past weekend.

Ran my Dungeon World adventure Monster Hunters of the Kingdom. I think it went pretty well. Players seemed to have fun, and the pace and action was good. Players seemed to really enjoy the system.

Things to work on:
Incorporate player choices into the fiction. Have some questions to help characters define their backgrounds and personalize their characters. Along with the bonds they chose, I need to incorporate these into the story more.

Letting the players describe the fiction. Always an issue for me.

Tighten up choices on the character sheets.

I also got to play in a Fate game. The system is really cool, and there were some cross-overs from Dungeon World. One of the players in the Monster Hunters game was the GM of the Fate game, and it was cool to compare notes. The style of the game was not my favorite - very much an occult investigation, and I was playing a Tarzan like character. Also we created characters from scratch - not my favorite thing in a Con game, but it worked well in this case and helped teach the game.

A good day of gaming overall.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Home is Where the LEGOs Are

Drive home from Dad's house in Idaho completed. A lovely welcome from the boys and wife. (Dog fell asleep on her bed with her favorite toy still in her mouth).

It was a very frustrating, stress full, impossible, and full of accomplishment and pain two plus weeks.

Home now to "my" comfortable surroundings.

After 20+ hours on the road, work is going to suck tomorrow - fair warning.

Up next - JonCon this weekend and Dungeon World Monster Hunters of the Kingdom - Hooray!

Love you Dad - be safe.

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Sunday, April 07, 2013

Keepin On Keepin On

Movie Count so far at the Wookiee Daddiee Daddiee's

Stagecoach - 6 times

Gaither Homecoming - 2 times

Have completed character sheets for my game at Jon Con. Need to setup some more complete backgrounds and then done with that portion. Rowan is making some terrain, and then I just ned some NPC cutouts.

Last is making the fronts from Dungeon World. Actually the easiest part.

And vey last I guess is organizing the Obsidian Portal campaign- but that is more for GenCon.

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Thursday, April 04, 2013

I started using the nickname Wookiee Daddiee after I had kids (two boys). It seemed like a logical extension of my love for Star Wars and my love for the boys. I use the name for twitter, and of course this blog (when I manage to post).

Right now however, I am headed to Idaho to see the my Dad - the Wookiee Daddiee Daddiee! He is getting ready to move and sell his house, and when you're 82, I think some help is OK.

Even a wookie can use some help - sometimes.

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Location:Wookiee Daddiee Daddiee?