Friday, February 22, 2013

Using Miniatures

Played Dungeon World again this past Tuesday and used minis and maps for the first time. I used a couple kickstarter projects.

The first was paper minis from the Order of the Stick. Orcs and Trolls (standing in for demons).

The second was laser etched wooden character holders from Drakodex Laser cut miniatures.

I also used a mega dungeon from gaming paper - well at least a section of it.

This improved game play and gave everyone a better visual.

I think things went faster and people were moe involved. Gives me good ideas for the Dungeon World game at GenCon.

So, the miniatures stay in.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

GM Fudging Rolls

At least two of the podcasts I listen to have been discussing GM fudging dice rolls. It is interesting hearing all the different opinions on why and when and how much.

I think that I'm coming down on the side of not fudging anything. Perhaps it has to do with story, but sometimes I also think that the randomness of the dice tell their own story.

It may also have to do with laying Dungeon World lately. The GM doesn't roll, dice - so maybe that's not the best example, but it does give me a different perspective.

The comments on the Carpe GM podcast about differences in systems that made fudging easier or harder were interesting to think about. I liked how Savage Worlds was compared to Pathfinder. Not sure if I agree, but interesting to see how two very different systems compare for a concept like dice fudging.

No concrete opinions yet. I think I want to have this in the back of my mind as I GM to see how things really play out. I can feel my opinion now that I should never fudge, run into the reality of player death or watching encounters run off like I don't think they should and the uncertainty of what happens next.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So, I think the Adventure should go like this....

Starting to get more ideas on the specifics of the Star Wars Adventure for GenCon.

Last year the jawas captured a transport that was crewed by droids, sith ewoks and an evil gungan. (Yes, it was pretty fun)

This year, the plan is to go to Endor and see where the sith ewoks came from.

So a few things to decide.

What actually is on Endor?
What will be the main conflict?
What kinds of LEGOs will I need!

Forest moon means lots of tree and green pieces.

And hey - It's Endor - there must be a speeder bike chase.


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Thursday, February 07, 2013

More GenCon Goodness

Both of my Games for GenCon have been officially submitted. Party of One now has at least twelve four hour sessions at GenCon. We might be the only ones left running Star Wars Saga - besides Game Base 7.

188 Days and counting

Gaming this week was Pathfinder, a continuing campaign run by someone else. My character is a gnome rogue - Dolce. He professes to be a flute performer and repairer - and finder of lost items. Perhaps the best part is using a Father Guido Sarducci accent for him. I'm not that good at accents, but that one is fun.

Friday, February 01, 2013

So Not So Well This Time

Last Tuesdays game was not my best effort. No matter what I tried, I couldn't seem to get the PCs into the adventure. I don't know if I was doing too much prodding, or not enough, but I couldn't get them to describe their actions.

I also was having a hard time describing the action of our one combat. Wasn't able to convey the sense of proportion or who was attacking who.

There were a lot of bad guys, so it was easy to get lost.

Compounding this was one new player thrown into the mix, and still a lot of questions on how powers and moves work.

Unfortunately, I still have some players that seem to be resisting the system. One who spends the entire session on his phone, and another that is always looking for ways to break the rules. sigh...

Off to a new GM for a few days. We'll see how that goes.

I'll try and post info on my GenCon game here - Monster Hunters of the Kingdom - as I create more content

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