Monday, August 15, 2011

Search for a Name

I like to start with a name when I create an adventure. Somewhere in my subconscious is the idea and the outline, but what comes out first is a name.

I've already got the name of the Star Wars adventure - it came to me as I was completing the previous adventure. So, that leaves the the Gamma World adventure.

I know I want to set it in the Mall of America. I think that it might be a coming of age/rite of passage.

So the things that are coming to mind:
Nite of the Food Court Furies
Shop till You Drop
Black Friday Blues

It's Gamma World, it's supposed to be funny (I hope).

For now I think I'm going with Shop till You Drop. It's vague enough that I can go a couple different directions, and hopefully catchy enough to get people to sign up.

Next up is the outline of events. And no, you don't get to know all the details.

1 comment:

LydianCoda said...

I don't know, I like Black Friday Blues. It's got colors and a weekday!