Sunday, May 29, 2005

Meanwhile in a Dark and Evil Place - Part 1

The group of robed figures huddle in an alcove as their master approaches. Fear radiates from them as they bow and scrape while he passes. The bravest and most foolish approaches the black, shadowy figure as he gazes into a large dark crystal.

"Master Blackhole," the Zabrak whispers, "the visions grow stronger. The Council of Seers seeks guidance."

"You fear the visions, you fear what you cannot understand." The words rumble from the being cloaked in darkness. "More than that, you are now afraid for yourselves and your position."

"But Master, the visions show destruction, we fear only for your safety," the Zabrak whispers, more confident with this line of discussion. "How can the Council help avoid this tragedy?"

"Your fear has made you weak." He closes his fist as the Zabrack slumps lifeless to the deck. He turns to face the remaining members of the council who cower and shift amongst themselves to avoid his gaze. "Everything is proceding according to my plan."

Reaching out with the force, Blackhole turns back to his crystal and lets his senses reach out and read the hyperspace transmissions.

"The Council needs a new leader," Blackhole says as troopers in black armor remove the corpse.

"Choose wisely."

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