Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Into the Dark - Introduction

I'm going to try and use this Blog as an accompanying narative to the current Star Wars campaign. With some luck, I'll be posting between adventures, and you (or your character - please specify) will be able to post comments/clarifications. This will hopefully have the added benefit of disseminating the same information to everyone during the campaign, and serve as a more permanent record of just what the heck went on.

Here's the blurb I sent out in the email last week.

At the end of the last session, the party had arranged
with Manga the Hutt to purchase a large amount of
blaster rifles, armor, and power packs. Because you
'saved' him from an invasion of Bounty Hunters, he
agreed to excellent terms, including giving you the
ship that the weapons and armor are transported on.

Unfortunately, during the battle McQueen was kidnapped
by unknown persons - two women, one of them with red
hair. Manga has promissed to investigate McQueens
kidnapping and send along any information with the

Currently the party is at the space station, being
treated very well by Manga and his minions.


I will send out an email to the group when I post an update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Test comment from Wookiee Daddiee