Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Monday Night

Last night was another Autism meeting at the Early Childhood Center. This one was more focused on communication, and initiation - getting your child to interact with you. A lot of the session was spent on things that Dominic can do, but does not do well. He doesn't need help to wash his hands and face, but he could communicate a little better during the process.

Dominic and Rowan had an OK time at the child care, but they didn't get to go to the "gym" that they have setup because there were not enough workers. Dominic almost threw a tantrum when we were leaving, but the ladies from Small World were very good with him, and Jen did a great job of distracting him on the ride home. I think we only have one more session, and I hope they talk more about behavior, because we (I) could use some help with that - what parent couldn't.

Gaming Notes:

The GaryCon was excellent - some good adventures, even though I didn't get to run Star Wars. Lots of Scotch was consumed - and not all by me.

Jen had an OK time with the boys, and Dominic was pretty good at the birthday party on Saturday.

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