Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is It Dark In Here, Or Is It Just Me?

Now that the decision has been made to go to Camaas, things procede fairly smoothly. The ithorians agree to keep posession for now of the carbon frozen jedi. And they fill all the available cargo space on the Magellan with supplies for the scientists of Refuge City. The party also stocks up on breath masks, anticipating some time outside on the planet. After receiving a datachip of introductions from Herd Leader Tatupu, the party is on its way.

Arriving in orbit around Camaas, the party is confronted by grey death. Camaas is a planet with very few features, and little to draw attention from its devestation. An automated landing beacon directs them to Refuge City, but it takes a while to break through the clouds, and get a closeup look at the planet. After a few minutes they do get an actual being, a very surprised sounding Camaasi. The party is directed to land at one of the two landing platforms, and after a few awkward introductions, make their way into the city.

Refuge city is a small spartan community centered around science and restoration. With the unlooked for bounty of supplies from the magellan, the leaders of refuge City call for a banquet that evening. During the festivities, the party meets the Bothan Recycling Inc. representative on camaas and many other of the scientists. During the dinner, they learn that a couple of pairs of scientists have visited the site of the herdship crash, but none have returned. The site is now home to a growing jungle, and some kind of dark presence.

After spending an uneventful night, the party decides to fly over the jungle, and then land near the center and approach the crash site. The heavy metal of the herdship is easily spotted on the ships scanners. The darkside presence, on the other hand, is fleeting and hard to pin down.

On approach to the crash site, the party is attacked by three beasts working in concert, and with more than a little coordination. However, the party easily kills, or drops them unconscious. After a little more searching the party comes upon the jungle covered remains of the herdship surrounded by the remains of some ancient stone buildings - really just rubble - except for one that seems intact and more than a little mysterious.

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