Wednesday, June 05, 2013

THey Don't Like My Game!

So what do you do when you don't think your players like your game.

Not everyone - I think - but certainly some.

There is a definite deliberate ignorance of the rules, and constant derogatory comments directed at play.

It could be that I am being defensive and taking things the wrong way, so I've decided that the only thing I can do is ask the players.

After this past session I sent emails to two of them asking what they thought of the game, and anything they could suggest to improve. I sent it to one of the players I think was not enjoying the game, and to another that seemed to be enjoying and was being an active helpful participant.

I have one response so far. Good questions about things that were confusing or unclear. Still waiting on the other player.

I'll try a different set of players next week.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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