Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rules in Dungeon World

I've been playing (GMing) a lot of Dungeon World lately. Which is great fun and is helping me prep for my GenCon (hooray GenCon) game.

Last night's session one of the players asked a question that I have been thinking about a lot myself. The specific question isn't as important as the idea behind the question. Do you have rules in Dungeon World?

In this case I think the answer is yes.

For this question the "rules" are part of the fiction. Who can affect who, what can the gods do to each other, and their minions. What happens if the PCs die (yep, killed one last night - brought him back though).

Some of the "rules" came about via game play. Put the PCs between two warring gods and see what they do. Surprise, the fiction spits out rules.

I think these can be some of the best - because the players "found" them by themselves.

Other rules are a lot more iffy. Like any RPG, the rules can be changed by the GM, But, especially when a game is new to you care should be taken to not disrupt balance. At least initially, trust the designer until your group discovers different. In Dungeon World where you are encouraged to leave empty spaces on the map and let the players write the fiction (something I still struggle with) I try and leave out as many rules as possible - sticking strictly to the dice mechanics, basic and advanced moves, and what is on the character sheets.

So player created rules good, all other rules subject to scrutiny.

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Yep Still Here

I wake up every day thinking that I'm going to update the blog today. Obviously that isn't working for me.

I am stealing a few minutes from the end of my work day today to do quick update.

Ran an emergency session of Dungeon World last Tuesday. Regular GM came up sick at the last minute.

Was pretty easy t prep, although I'm not sure it was a great adventure.

Hardest part was splitting the party to get the few players that could show off on the adventure. As little rail roading as possible.

Probably bigger news was getting events for GenCon ordered. Had a few of the guys over, and we did pretty well - even have a few left over if our one hold-out decides to go. Unfortunately that is not likely - new baby and house repairs will do that.

Games I'm most excited about. An "official" Monster Hunters game, and a Savage Worlds game run by a "well known" podcaster.

All in all a good couple weeks - except for keeping up on the blogging I guess.

More soon - promise. Even more gaming stuff

Saturday, May 11, 2013

GenCon First Pass

I love the days before event registration when you can look through all the possible events. So much possibility. Once I remove the four time slots that I'm GMing, and add a minimal time for eating, it seems to leave so little time.

So now to pick only about six games for the rest of GenCon - or less if I add in time on the show floor - or maybe a two hour game and time on the show floor.

And then organizing with other people from the group.

What fun.

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Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Game Night

Two geeky things today.

First, I'm sitting in a local coffee shop working on my GenCon Star Wars adventure. About one third done I think. PC's sort of leveled - at least know what is going to be selected. Still have to work out some details and update the extra reference sheets (math sucks almost as my attempts at creative writing). Just now have put down some good notes on the first and second encounters. These questions plus the NPC stats and maps (plus LEGOS) will cap it off. Plan is to playtest with the folks from work in July.

Second - It's gaming night. Headed off to my buddy Dave's house to play in his Savage Worlds adventure. Love that system.

One other note - Kickstarters

Have received a couple lately, cards and maps, plus a PDF of a Super Hero game that I'm planning next after Dungeon World and Savage Starship Troopers. And, just got pictures of the Dice Rings - hoping to have them late next week - very excited.

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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Good Geek Weekend

I do love it when so many of my hobbies collide.

Gaming - a trip to the Source, and work on my GenCon adventure.

Comics - Free Comic Book Day! (OK, not a real current active hobby, but still a trip to the source always cheers me up - even if I have to wait outside for 30 minutes).

Geek Movies - Iron Man 3 was totally awesome (stay to the end - more awesome - I can't believe people haven't learned that yet) and I got to see it with some geek buddies.

As I wait for the explosion of angst from one of our customers at work - self inflicted - at least I can think of all the cool things I got to do this weekend.


The countdown to GenCon Event registration commences - May 19!

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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Working on a Star Wars Adventure

Working on my adventure for GenCon - Utinni's New Hope! Can't update Jawa character sheets without watching Episode IV.

"The Jundland wastes are not to be traveled lightly" - Obi Wan

"Don't make jawa PCs with Star Wars and beer" - me.

Got my tickets for Iron Man 3 on Saturday - hope it's good.

Now to be seduced by the dark side of the force - good, gooood, I feel the hate in you....

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