Saturday, August 23, 2008

Volunteering at GenCon

at the end of last years GenCon, I felt like I was missing something. No that's not exactly right. I felt like there were things going on that I was missing out on. I know there are plenty of other things going on - board games, minis, card games, but these aren't things that I would want to do. Rather it was the things I don't normally participate I that I was interested in. I thought that one way to get a window in was to volunteer. It sort of worked.

I volunteered for 16 hours - Friday and Sunday. Friday was OK. after a boring start filling program books, I got to work in the autograph booth for the rest of my shift. But Sunday (when I rarely do anything anyway) I spent just about the whole time checking badges at one of the doors.

I don't think I'll volunteer next year, because I felt like I was missing out while I wasn't really getting a positive GenCon experience.

Perhaps next year I'll GM a couple games to see what that is like.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back from GenCon

I'm back from the biggest geek/nerd/gamer weekend of the year - GenCon - the best four days of gaming. I did a couple things differently this year, I went to some seminars, and I volunteered. The panels were great. The first was about your approach to writing. There were a great variety of opinions and techniques from both full-time and part-time authors. Some worked steady hours - the same thing M - F, and some just worked either part-time per day, or just weekends. a lot of it seemed to depend on deadlines.

The second seminar was about books author should read, and besides Strunk & Whites Elements of Style, and Steven Kings On Writing. There were a couple more, including some by Orson Scott Card.

I think the thing that stuck with me from both seminars was that you're not a writer unless you write - so here I am again.

The third seminar was a panel discussion about podcasting. Ever since I got my iPhone, I've been listening to podcasts more and more. For stories I love escapepod, and podcastlle - both can be found at hosts both a Star Wars and D&D 4e gaming podcast that are both excellent. I've been trying to listen to more roleplaying game podcasts, and ha a great selection.

I'll post more about games and volunteering later.