As the party stood contemplating the opening to the temple, a small figure came into view and beckoned them forward. Sensing a trap, Mater Dee scanned for life forms, and found that the small figure was not real.
The figure explained that they had been drawn there by the Force to make a choice. Not seeing any evidence of a trap, they moved into the temple (even Mater Dee, who required some persuassion).
The figure - Pico - explained that they had to choose between two holocrrons, light and dark. With their trap sense set on high - they had tried to blow someone up with a holocron themselves - they moved cautiosly into the room. Except for Bar bar, who proceeded directly to the white holocron, waited a moment for objections, and tossed it to Jorruss. To everyones surprise - no explossion. However, the temple dissolved around them, revealing the jungle outside.
After a moment to get their bearings, and check in with R2-Y4, Beaker thought he noticed somthing unusual in the jungle and started to investigate. This prompted a shot from the trooper in the jungle that was watching them.
While Beaker, Bar Bar, Boppa, Grarrwarr, Zak, and Jorruss went after the trooper, Mater Dee ran off at an angle to draw fire. Mater Dee was rewarded with sots from a waiting airspeeder while another speeder and another trooper popped up to harrass the rest of the party. With more foes now showing themselves, the party divided up - Mater Deee against an air speeder, Bar Bar, Beaker and Grarrwarr against the first trooper, Zak, Boppa and Jorruss against the new trooper and new air speeder.
Jorruss dispatched the new trooper with a mighty blow from his lightsaber and moved onto the air speeder. Bar Bar moved from the trooper onto the air speeder that was threatening Mater Dee. Grarrwarr continued to press the first trooper back. A well placed thermal detonater dispathed the first air speeder, while the second took off to try and shake an unwanted Jedi passenger. The remaining trooper called for support and was rewarded with a troop carrier with reinforcments.
Mater Dee and Beaker finished off the occupants of the first speeder, while Jorruss cut a new entrance to the second speeder and attempted to climb inside while the current occupants tried to either shake or shoot him off. Grarrwarr made a forced boarding of the new transport, while Zak took some shots at the reinforcments, and Boppa treated the fallen trooper.
With things well in hand on the ground, Bar Bar used Force Illusion to make the troopers and pilots on the troop carrier bail out. The only one in trouble is Jorruss, who mistakenly killed the pilot of his air speeder, and is now hurtling toward the ground. The troopers who left the first troop carrier have called for backup and another troop carrier is on the way.
Points to remember from this encounter.
All the troops are Bothans.
Every time someone has used a Force power it has been boosted somehow.
Where we left off:
Mater Dee and Beaker aare at the first air sppeder. It's turret is functional, but its propulsion - even though "repaired" by Mater Dee will only function for a short time.
Grarrwarr and Bar Bar are on the troop carrier as pilot and gunner.
Jorruss is trying not to plummet into the ground inside the second air speeder, along with it's gunner.
Boppa and Zak are mopping up on the ground, and are within reach of the troop carrier.
Various "bad guys" have een dumped or run away from the heroes.
A second troop carrier is now on its way as support.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
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