Thursday, December 28, 2006

Table Settings

We start in the midst of battle - the good guys versus the turrets.

Grarwarr continues his downward spiral towards the bunker at the bottom of the cavern on the AoD. He is joined shortly by Joruss. He makes it just in time to absorb a nasty shot from the lower turret.

Meanwhile-1, Mater Dee and Boppa make their various ways to the pillars with turrets. Both heroes have lightsabers, and mean to use the Universal Cutting Tool (UCT) setting.

Meanwhile-2, Bar Bar looks up to see a suited figure with a large staff-like weapon coming down the wall at him - it unwisely tries to use fear to cause Bar Bar to lose confidence in his abilities. With a snear (or the Gungan equivalent - more like a squint) Bar Bar embraces the darkside and shrugs off the attempt. Beaker, seeing the foolish force user, starts plugging away with his sniper rifle.

Realizing that fear is not going to cut it, the new force using opponent opts for the time honored tradition of physical violence, and promptly whacks Bar Bar with a large stick. Bar Bar responds with his own time honored attack of pulling the foes helmets off, but in this case the foe resists. Beaker, not believing in some "all powerful force controlling his destiny", promptly shoots a large hole in both the foes suit and person.

At the bottom of the cavern, Grarwarr flies onto a rage at his inability too breakdown a simple door, and is promptly stunned by the lone inhabitant of the bunker who unwisely opens the door. By this time, Joruss has landed, and a short fight ensues. The gunman gets in a grenade blast before Joruss ends his pointless existence (another multi-page backstory gone to waste).

Boppa and Mater Dee have now made slag of their respective turrets, and Boppa pushes off for the bottom of the cavern to help Grarwarr, while Mater Dee collects up parts from the destroyed speeder and turret (git-r-done Mater).

Bar Bar gives up on the helmet removal, and pushes off towards the bottom of the cavern and starts throwing boomers. Beaker keeps plugging away as the foe moves back and up towards one of the pillars to try and hide and repair a leaky suit. Neither task goes especially well, as Beaker and Bar Bar both keep shooting and throwing boomers.

Meanwhile-3, the group at the bottom of the cavern revive Grarwarr, who takes over computer operations from Joruss. And a good thing to as Joruss was about to use the UCT setting on his lightsaber on the computer after it teased him for his lack of appropriate skill ranks.

Up at the top of the cavern, the remaining foe decides that leaving is the best possible idea, and disappears up a previously unknown tunnel. Beaker, Joruss, Bar Bar, and Boppa take exception to a foe leaving the battle still breathing and go off in pursuit. Not seeing anything in the escape tunnel, Joruss moves to the end, and cuts a large hole in the hatch. Bar Bar moves through the hole and is promptly smacked by the stick wielding foe. Force illusions are exchanged between Boppa, and the foe, but both have little or no effect (except for Beaker who could have sworn he saw a black Star Destroyer - if only for about six seconds). Regardless, Beaker and Joruss make their way out of the tunnel, engage the foe in battle, and are soon victorious.

While the group at the top of the cavern take out their aggresive tendencies on the remaining foe, Grarwarr has found some interesting details in the computer system of the bunker.

In no particular order:


The crystal was removed about 20 years ago. This corresponds with the rise of Blakhole as leader of the imperial secret service, and comes a little before the bombardment of the planet Camaas.

The Singularity - Blackholes personal star Destroyer - is scheduled to arrive in 6 hours.

A shuttle for the Singularity is stashed in the asteroid belt, and can be remotely operated from this bunker.

Authentication codes to get the shuttle onto the singularity are stored in the computer in the bunker.


The group decides to collect everyone and meet back at their ship in the docking bay to discuss their options. Should they take the shuttle and infiltrate the Singularity? Should they try and blow it up either remotely or as part of a suicide attack? Should they run? What should they do about the impending bombardment of the planet? What should they have for lunch? Does this black armor make me look fat?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Inside Outside Upside Down

The party takes stock of the situation and their original goal of capturing/destroying the force crystal that they had when they first arrived on the AoD

Just then, they recieve a message from R2 that a couple of badguys are sneaking up on them from the outside of the AoD. Beaker, Joruss, and Grarwarr go out to investigate.

BarBar orders R2 to "take them out" and R2 fires a laser turret on the Y-wing and hits them, dislodging them from the AoD.

As the group outside the ship move to attack, an explosion yakes out the inner door to the landing bay

Bar Bar and Boppa man turrets while Mater Dee - feeling a bit peckish - makes a sandwich

One free floating badguy throws the other at Joruss and hits. Unfortunately, the thrower is pasted, and drifts off leaking air.

Boppa and Bar Bar make rubble out of door while Mater Dee makes toast.

After two failed attempts, and a couple minor beatings - Joruss removes the badguys helmet, while Grarwarr and Beaker snipe holes in him.

Just up the wall from the landing bay door, a hole appears and through it steps an incredibly menacing meticulously prepared (including 18 page backstory) Dark Jedi. She is immediately reduced to a small greasy stain on the wall behind her, except for her lightsaber which slowly floats to the floor of the landing bay.

About this time two more black suited figures appear sneaking into the landing bay. Mater Deetakes his sandwich and moves to the shuttle bay.

The two new attackers are immediately sniped/assaulted by various party members, and ship weapons.

One survives the initial onslaught and gets into the Y-wing landing bay. BarBar observes him placing thermal detonators on the door.

Mater Dee and BarBar coordinate on opening the door, and force moving the Thermal detonators out of the landing bay. Unfortunately, in a fate worse than death, Mater Dee's sandwich escapes into space, and eventually burns to a cinder as it spirals into the sun. Unknown to our heroes, the mayo on the sandwich had developed some peculiar organic properties after being left out on the counter by a careless Ugnaut. If left alone, on a nice warm dry planet or moon, they had the possibility to develop into a race of such dignity, poise and charisma, that they could have ushered in a new and lasting era of peace and prosperity for all sentient beings in the universe. Alas, they were cruelly and carelessly incinerated by a the heat of a star. Or they would probably just have been eaten.

This leaves the lone badguy in a less than defensible spot, a mistake that he pays for with his life.

One last badguy peaks in the hole in the landing bay carved by the now infamous jedi grease spot - becoming a grease spot himself thanks to Boppa's excellent ability with a laser turret.

With the current threat contained, and a nice collection of black armor, the party settled in for some healing.

After considering their options, another expedition to the center of the AoD commenced. The site of the last slugg battle passes uneventfully, and as they progresse deeper into the AoD, the feeling of darkness and dread groes in the hearts of those sensitive to the force. After a few minutes of weaving through tunnels, Joruss (with a little help from the force) spots the dark circular entrance to a large cavern that he guesses is near the center of the AoD.

The two swoop bikes are idled while Beaker, Boppa, and Joruss move cautiously toward the entrance. This approach lasts approximately 6 seconds. Bar Bar uses the force to rush directly into the room and is promptly captured by a net that was waiting to trap the first being through the entrance. Abandoning all hope of stealth everyone moves to the entrance of the tunnel.

They are confronted with a large egg shaped cavern with four stone pillars extruding from the top and a matching set protruding from the bottom. At first glance, it looks like they should meet in the center of the cavern, but something or someone removed their center sections. Placed on one of the top and one of the bottom stone pillars are matching laser turrets. Lastly on the "bottom" of the chamber is a man-made structure that looks like a small square bunker. It is on the "floor" of the chamber between the four pillars.

Grarwarr, with Mater Dee as a passenger, speeds into the chamber on his swoop bike, and promptly has it shot from under him by one of the turrets. Beaker begins sniping at one of the turrets, while Boppa uses the force to whip stray parts of the swoop bike around another.

Bar Bar uses his shiny new red lightsaber to cut his way free of the net. And Mater Dee decides to try and use gravity as his friend to send Grarwarr towards the "bottom" of the cavern to see what mayhem he can cause.

We will rejoin our heroes as they work their way out of this week.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Survival, Rates of...

We begin the night already in combat.

Bar Bar and a dark trooper are inside a slug. Boppa, Zak, and Beaker are on the swoop bike with sidecar at the tunnel intersection. Grarwarr is on the other swoop nearby. Jorrus and Mater Dee are fighting a second slug. The Force illusion created by Boppa is keeping the third slug in a state of confusion a short distance away.

Even though Joruss is disturbed by Mater Dee and his two Dark lightsabers entering melee combat, they continue to harass the slug before them. Beaker swings his swoop bike around and heads up to the slug containing Bar Bar, getting a single ineffective shot against the slug's thick hide on the way. Zak takes several shots too, as Boppa maintains her illusion.

Bar Bar is in trouble inside the slug. The trooper puts his helmet back on, so Bar Bar takes it off again. Or at least he tries, but the trooper resists The Force and keeps his helmet on instead.

Joruss and Mater Dee are still fighting the second slug. Grarwarr takes a few shots at the slug too. Beaker brakes hard on the swoop bike and with a heroic surge, dives into the slug's mouth, taking a shot at the inside on the way toward its gullet, woohoo! Boppa's illusion continues as she moves into the driver's seat of the swoop, and Zak takes another set of shots at the slug's head.

The first slug tries to chew a mouthful of Beaker, but can't get a decent bite in. With incredible dexterity for a slug, Joruss is swallowed by the second one! The trooper near Bar Bar has had enough and blasts Bar Bar, wounding him. Bar Bar is able to remain conscious, but barely. So Bar Bar responds with his last thermal detonator, which hits the trooper hard.

As Joruss slides into the throat of the second slug, he makes short work of it with his lightsaber from the inside. It stops moving with Joruss' legs sticking out of its craw. Beaker pops partly into the stomach of the first slug and pops off a couple shots into the dark trooper. Zak and Boppa argue like an old married couple about who should make an exit hole in their slug. Zak fires his blaster anyway, and Boppa maintains her illusion. Grarwarr uses his bowcaster to strike the slug with Bar Bar and Beaker inside.

The first slug strikes at Zak and Boppa but misses. The trooper inside does not miss Beaker. In fact he gets in a crit. Beaker is barely able to shake off the blast. Bar Bar, being out of his customary thermal detonators, swings at the trooper with his atlatl but misses.

Mater Dee helps pull Joruss out of the slug. Joruss turns and uses The Force to fly over to the third slug. Grarwarr fires a few rounds into that slug as well. Beaker caps the dark trooper, and Zak and Boppa continue to argue as they finish off the first slug. At this point their union is common law. Mater Dee joins Joruss on slug three. Bar Bar loots the body of the dark trooper. He gets the helmet back!

As Boppa and Zak help Beaker and Bar Bar out of the first slug, Joruss is again swallowed by an unusually lucky slug (it may be necessary to secretly curse the DM's dice soon). Grarwarr is attacked from behind! Another dark trooper has emerged from the remains of the second slug.

As Joruss slides into the stomach of the third slug, a dark trooper awaits, and takes several stunning punches at Joruss. Joruss is unimpressed and shrugs off the attempt. Grarwarr is angry! He rages toward the second trooper, calls upon The Force and hacks into him with his vibroblade. The third slug swallows Mater Dee with relative ease.

Grabbing the swoop controls from Zak, Beaker guns the swoop back up the tunnel to the intersection. Zak fires at the final living slug while Boppa ignites her lightsaber and joins Grarwarr on dark trooper two. Mater Dee enters the stomach of the slug, then cuts a hole in the side. The trooper punches Mater Dee, and it's lights out, Mater Dee is stunned. The trooper then turns on Joruss but is ineffective.

Taking a play from Bar Bar's book of dirty fighting, Joruss uses The Force to pull the helmet off the dark trooper and fling it out the hole in the side of the slug. Zak and Beaker fire into the last slug, as Boppa and Grarwarr struggle with the other trooper.

The slug moves toward the swoop in the intersection, then chomps on Zak. This is definitely bad for Zak, and a moment later Boppa is a widow. The trooper on Boppa and Grarwarr fights on, doing more damage but disabling neither party member. The trooper on the inside of the slug rushes out after his helmet, but Joruss takes him down with an opportune strike, removing his head also.

Bar Bar loves helmets, and so is especially pleased when Boppa uses The Force to pull the helmet off trooper two and send it down the tunnel nearby. As Bar Bar prepares to fetch it, dark trooper two tumbles to get it himself, but does so quite poorly. Grarwarr takes a shot, then Boppa, and finally Bar Bar whacks him with his stick and the last dark trooper is down.

Joruss works his lightsaber on the final slug from the inside, and Boppa moves to help from the outside. Beaker moves his swoop into the adjoining tunnel and fires from there. Grarwarr fires at the slug from a distance as well. Bar Bar resorts to a frag grenade (not his first choice), but misses the mouth and gets both the slug and Boppa.

The last slug succumbs to Joruss lightsaber, and Mater Dee regains consciousness. The party rounds up dark trooper loot, and retrieves Zak's body from the dead slug. Some quick healing using The Force and Mater Dee's skills, then the group heads back to the Swag Bag to further recover and reflect.

Everyone is saddened by the loss of Zak, especially Boppa. But another character level and a couple of Force points lightens the load a bit.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Unhappy Meals - This Toy Sucks

Our heroes blast into space and start their search for the asteroid of doom (AOD).

After a little searching and some calling on the force, a likely candidate emerged. It is a kilometer long, about half that around, and shaped like an egg. Interestingly, it is not spinning, and appears to have a kilometer or so area around it cleared of debris.

Closer inspection reveals two landing bays, one on either end of the long axis which prompts debate on how to enter the AOD. Plans to leave a shuttle in one bay, and then land in another are scrapped after a fierce debate and a game of Rock - Paper - Scissors. Eventually the party decides to land in one bay, and send R2 in the Y-wing to watch from the cover of a nearby asteroid.

The bay looks like it is roughly cut from the asteroid, incorporating some of the natural features. There is no power or atmosphere, and no one is there to greet them. After rigging power packs to open doors, the party discovers a secondary landing bay, some spare parts and fuel, and a control room. Grarwarr decides to power on the computer system, and finds a map of the landing bay, a map of a duplicate landing facility on the other end of the AOD, controls for some attitude jets that have been keeping the AOD stable, and a lot of wiped memory.

The party decided to explore the center of the AOD, and unloads their two swoop bikes from the ship. After proceeding about 70 meters down a natural and shaped tunnel they came to a large double door that has power. Passing through the door, they came to a cavern that has seven tunnel entrances. Each tunnel is approximately 6 meters across and they wind away and towards the center of the AOD. Each tunnel also has strong dark side emanations. after a brief discussion about each person going down a separate tunnel, the party decided to stay together and went down the center tunnel.

After traveling for a couple minutes, Joruss got a premonition of danger ahead, and had Beaker stop right before a huge Space Slugg took a bite out of their swoop bike. The party organized for battle just as another huge Space Slugg approached the back of the party from a connecting tunnel. Joruss started fighting the one behind the party, as Bar Bar and Zak tried fighting and throwing boomers at the one in front. Unfortunately, Bar Bar was swallowed whole by the one in front, and much to his surprise encountered one of the black suited fighters inside the Space Slugg ready to attack him.

The rest of the party, fearing that Bar Bar was lost for good this time were reassured when they heard the sound of two, then three thermal detonators going off inside the Space Slugg. Bar Bar had succeeded in creating a hole in the Space Slugg to escape through, but the armored attacker was still in his way.

Meanwhile the rest of the party was making good progress against the remaining Space Slugg when anoter appeared from another connecting tunnel. The first Space Slugg, suffering from severe indigestion started to move back down the tunnel. Bar Bar used the force to remove his attackers helmet, but had it grabbed back by his opponent. While the black armored trooper was worried about breathing, Bar Bar moved past him towards the hole in the Space Slugg caused by his thermal detonators which was starting to close.

Currently, the party is surrounded on three sides by Space Sluggs, although one is severly wounded and is moving away. Bar Bar is inside the one that is moving away, along with a helmet challenged trooper.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

We Came, We Saw, We Blew Stuff Up

With the bad guys bugging out, the heroes take to the air in pursuit, leaving Beaker, and Grarwarr in charge of blowing, I mean disarming the bombs.

Bar Bar and Joruss take the turrets, Boppa drives, and Mater Dee navigates and mans the weapons systems. With an "incredible" sensor check, Mater Dee locates the stealth ship that is hidden about 500 meters from the Bothan ship. Not being able to locate the individual bad guys, two missiles are targeted on their ship, hoping to bring them out of hiding. The explosion is impressive, but noone new appears, even after Bar Bar uses the force to make it appear to be more impressive than it is. Well, if two missles were good, four must be better, and this explosion does not need any enhancement. The bad guys will not be leaving the planet in this ship. Unable to locate any individuals, the group returns to the Bothan ship to pickup the bomb disposal unit.

While the rest of the group was off having fun with ranged compbat, Beaker and Grarwarr were calling on all their abilities to disarm the remaining bomb. Things started badly, but a little luck soon left them with two large inert piles of explosives.

With no apparent foes, the group decided to look at the file that Mater Dee downloaded. It's a personal journal from a Bothan that worked at the "recycling" center. In the journal he confesses that the Bothan people - specifically the Bothan Spy Net - helped Black Hole destroy the planet Camass. Under orders from Black Hole, they infiltrated the global defense shield and disabled it in concert with a bombardment by Black Hole. That bombardment killed everyone on the planet, and left the planet an ash covered ruin. And if that wasn't enough, they were blackmailed by Black Hole (because of their actions in the original bombardnment) to engineer the crash of an Ithorian herdship into the site of a temple dedicated to the peaceful study of the force on Camass. The Bothan procedes to name names, give dates and generally layout the evidence that will cause the known universe to turn against Bothans everywhere, along with Black Hole of course. He ends by saying that he knows that the evidence he gives here could damn the Bothan people to generations of pain, suffering and banishment. However, he feels that their actions on Camass have earned them no less of a punishment.

So far the party has not shared this evidence with anyone.

Arriving back at Refuge City, the PCs explained what had happened at the base (minus the Bothan "confession") to the city administrator when the "Bad Feeling" started to come over some of the party. Just a few moments later, the power plant for the city exploded and the lights went out.

Just seconds later, an explosion went off at the opposite side of the dome letting the ash filled air of the planet into the dome, along who knows what and or who else. Using the helmet from the attacker at the Bothan ship, Bar Bar determined that there were four different groups attacking the city, including one at each landing bay.

Fearing for the safety of their ship, the group rushed to its landing bay after being assured by the City admin that since there was no way to eveacuate everyone. They were trusting that the PCs could save them by getting to the heart of the matter. Besides, the citizens were not totally defensless.

Using their comm link to reach the Ugnauts on the ship, they found that so far it was safe, but there were some strange beings in black suits in the landing bay. Gathering at the airlock, the PCs caught a glimpse of someone before rushing into their ship. The mad rush into the ship was accomplished with only a couple of thermal detonators tossed at the party.

Again using the helmet from the Bothan attackers, Bar Bar listened in on the conversations. Now that the party was on the the ship, a landing bay was reported as being secure. As the party lifted off and moved away from the city, Bar Bar reported that the "package" was safe aboard the ship which was met with silence and then a confused response - "package?"

Friday, October 13, 2006

Dueling Bombs Joe

After discussing their alternatives, the heroes decided to use the force to gain information. Bar Bar entered a trance, and received a vision of Pico and a human travelling to the asteroid belt of the Camaass system. The first part of the vision (set in the past) showed Pico and a human - possibly his apprentice entering a large round asteroid. The second part of the vision (set in the future) showed a black star destroyer (most likely Black Holes ship) entering the asteroid belt and stationing itself over that same asteroid. The ship then collected many smaller asteroids and began sending them towards the planet Camaas.

After receiving this vision, they went to warn the leader of Refuge city about the bombardment. During this discussion, they found out that a ship had recently left the planet from the Bothan site, and noone was returning calls. Options for evacuating the residents of Refuge City were discussed, but there seems to be no way to get everyone off soon, due to the limited number of ships - two really.

The leader of Refuge City offers to upgrade the sensors of the parties ship to better help them locate this mysterious asteroid, and fix their New (to them) combat speeder. While this is happening, the heroes decide to check out the Bothans base to see if any information (loot) can be gathered.

On approach, the party scanns for life signs - none, and any activity. The only electronic signatures appear to be from the ship the Bothans were using as a base, and those are minimal. They land the Assault ship on a platform near the center of the Bothans base - a converted frieghter - and investigate.

Using all available caution the party opens a large cargo door and enters the ship. Grarwarr moves to the cockpit, Boppa and Joruss move to the cargo/recycling area, Mater Dee and Beaker to a nearby computer terminal, and Bar Bar and Zak stay outside to guard the ship. Mater Dee and Beaker find a set of files to download, and a countdown timer - 5 minutes. Mater Dee stays to get the files, while Beaker moves off to help locate the bomb.

The bombs (twins) are located in the bottom of the cargo section of the base. Beaker is lowered down to the bombs by Joruss, while Grarwarr bypasses the trigger that monitors the bombs connection to the ship. Just as Beaker is about to begin to bypass the remaining bomb triggers, a shot from the far side of the assault ship drops Zak. The heroes rush to the assault ship to help Zak and protect their ride home.

As Mater Dee and Bar Bar (after closing the door) help out Zak, another shot drops a smoke grenade between the assault ship and the Bothans ship. Meanwhile Boppa, sensing another foe, moves to the opposite cargo door in time to see it open and a Force User covered in a black suit appear. She is joined by two more suit wearing foes that step out of the smoke into the assault ship and confront Bar bar and Mater Dee.

A short battle breaks out with the foes doing poorly, but not before our heroes learn that the foes suits have the ability to stop or shut off lightsabers. After removing one helmet, and giving the now hatless foe a severe haircut, the foes retreat.

Meanwhile in the Bothans ship, Beaker is feverishly using all of his abilities to disarm the twin bombs.

As we end the session, the heroes have the foes on the run, but need to be leaving soon themselves or risk an explosive encounter. While out in space somewhere a black star destroyer moves ever closer to its destination in the asteroid belt.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Help Arrives - Then Leaves

It doesn't take long for our heroes to collect together and make short work of the "reinforcements". With a couple missle shots, and some turret action - the bothans cease firing, and requesst to collect their dead/wounded/running and go back.

As they are leaving you are told that you were inside the temple for a day (it only seemed like a few minutes to you) and they were told by Black Hole to come out here and stop you. Since they are going to report failure - the prospect of lying to Black Hole seems worse than reporting failure - they have warned you that something worse is probably coming.

The party regrouped and took their new toys, an assualt gunship, and combat air speeder, to Refuge City. There they learned a little more about the origin of Black Hole. Apparently, the former master and apprentice of the temple went in search of a fabled crystal, and were never heard from again. Based on the description of the former temple master, you think that you met him, and it could be his holocron.

It is approaching evening, and a strong sense of approaching doom has started to come over some of the force sensitive members.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Target Acquired - Run

As the party stood contemplating the opening to the temple, a small figure came into view and beckoned them forward. Sensing a trap, Mater Dee scanned for life forms, and found that the small figure was not real.

The figure explained that they had been drawn there by the Force to make a choice. Not seeing any evidence of a trap, they moved into the temple (even Mater Dee, who required some persuassion).

The figure - Pico - explained that they had to choose between two holocrrons, light and dark. With their trap sense set on high - they had tried to blow someone up with a holocron themselves - they moved cautiosly into the room. Except for Bar bar, who proceeded directly to the white holocron, waited a moment for objections, and tossed it to Jorruss. To everyones surprise - no explossion. However, the temple dissolved around them, revealing the jungle outside.

After a moment to get their bearings, and check in with R2-Y4, Beaker thought he noticed somthing unusual in the jungle and started to investigate. This prompted a shot from the trooper in the jungle that was watching them.

While Beaker, Bar Bar, Boppa, Grarrwarr, Zak, and Jorruss went after the trooper, Mater Dee ran off at an angle to draw fire. Mater Dee was rewarded with sots from a waiting airspeeder while another speeder and another trooper popped up to harrass the rest of the party. With more foes now showing themselves, the party divided up - Mater Deee against an air speeder, Bar Bar, Beaker and Grarrwarr against the first trooper, Zak, Boppa and Jorruss against the new trooper and new air speeder.

Jorruss dispatched the new trooper with a mighty blow from his lightsaber and moved onto the air speeder. Bar Bar moved from the trooper onto the air speeder that was threatening Mater Dee. Grarrwarr continued to press the first trooper back. A well placed thermal detonater dispathed the first air speeder, while the second took off to try and shake an unwanted Jedi passenger. The remaining trooper called for support and was rewarded with a troop carrier with reinforcments.

Mater Dee and Beaker finished off the occupants of the first speeder, while Jorruss cut a new entrance to the second speeder and attempted to climb inside while the current occupants tried to either shake or shoot him off. Grarrwarr made a forced boarding of the new transport, while Zak took some shots at the reinforcments, and Boppa treated the fallen trooper.

With things well in hand on the ground, Bar Bar used Force Illusion to make the troopers and pilots on the troop carrier bail out. The only one in trouble is Jorruss, who mistakenly killed the pilot of his air speeder, and is now hurtling toward the ground. The troopers who left the first troop carrier have called for backup and another troop carrier is on the way.

Points to remember from this encounter.

All the troops are Bothans.
Every time someone has used a Force power it has been boosted somehow.

Where we left off:

Mater Dee and Beaker aare at the first air sppeder. It's turret is functional, but its propulsion - even though "repaired" by Mater Dee will only function for a short time.

Grarrwarr and Bar Bar are on the troop carrier as pilot and gunner.

Jorruss is trying not to plummet into the ground inside the second air speeder, along with it's gunner.

Boppa and Zak are mopping up on the ground, and are within reach of the troop carrier.

Various "bad guys" have een dumped or run away from the heroes.

A second troop carrier is now on its way as support.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Long Goodbye

Sometimes the voices are too much. Even the layers of stone aren't enough to keep them out. The past few days have been the most trying in many a long year. The voices never agree. Always opposites, always striving against, always sure that their way - is - the way.

But now it seems as if the they agree on something. Now is the time. Now argument will be turned to action.

The small figure, drawn by the noise of a passing starship looks outside for a moment, before returning to his duties.

These are the ones, it is finally time to prepare for a choice.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is It Dark In Here, Or Is It Just Me?

Now that the decision has been made to go to Camaas, things procede fairly smoothly. The ithorians agree to keep posession for now of the carbon frozen jedi. And they fill all the available cargo space on the Magellan with supplies for the scientists of Refuge City. The party also stocks up on breath masks, anticipating some time outside on the planet. After receiving a datachip of introductions from Herd Leader Tatupu, the party is on its way.

Arriving in orbit around Camaas, the party is confronted by grey death. Camaas is a planet with very few features, and little to draw attention from its devestation. An automated landing beacon directs them to Refuge City, but it takes a while to break through the clouds, and get a closeup look at the planet. After a few minutes they do get an actual being, a very surprised sounding Camaasi. The party is directed to land at one of the two landing platforms, and after a few awkward introductions, make their way into the city.

Refuge city is a small spartan community centered around science and restoration. With the unlooked for bounty of supplies from the magellan, the leaders of refuge City call for a banquet that evening. During the festivities, the party meets the Bothan Recycling Inc. representative on camaas and many other of the scientists. During the dinner, they learn that a couple of pairs of scientists have visited the site of the herdship crash, but none have returned. The site is now home to a growing jungle, and some kind of dark presence.

After spending an uneventful night, the party decides to fly over the jungle, and then land near the center and approach the crash site. The heavy metal of the herdship is easily spotted on the ships scanners. The darkside presence, on the other hand, is fleeting and hard to pin down.

On approach to the crash site, the party is attacked by three beasts working in concert, and with more than a little coordination. However, the party easily kills, or drops them unconscious. After a little more searching the party comes upon the jungle covered remains of the herdship surrounded by the remains of some ancient stone buildings - really just rubble - except for one that seems intact and more than a little mysterious.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

A Deathmark is a Hard Thing to Live With

The party researched the mysterious metalic net that was found on the comatose jedi thawed at the end of last week. Mater Dee discovered that the device you found on the jedi could be linked to speculation about devices used to record and perhaps alter memories, but noone has actually produced such a device.

This led of course to speculation about what to do next. As the Jedi were discussing perhaps using farseeing - a call was received from Grarwarr on the Magellan that someone was breaking in. The party rushed to his (and the ships) defense. In short - wookiees charged, force powers were used, once again Jorus kicked butt with a lightsaber, and the intruders were defeated.

The intruders turned out to be bounty hunters hired by Blackhole to kill you and return your bodies.

One odd thing that happened during the battle was that the ship seemed to be helping you, opening and closing doors during the fight to help you and hinder the bounty hunters.

Boppa decided to use farseeing to find out about the crashed herdship, and instead saw a vision of the dead zabrak. His ethereal outline then changed into a picture of the planet Camaas. Mater Dee used a empathy to talk to the "ghost" and was told that on Camaas was a secret about Blackhole.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Ghost in the Machine

The party decided to go back to the Herdship. Once there, they found an increased presence of the Rebel fleet, but undaunted decided to land on the herdship. They reported to General Adama on their mission to Illum, and turned over the shapechanger prisoner. The ugnauts asked to stay, and Mater Dee decided they could be trained to help around the ship.

The Ithorians offered to help off-load and thaw (as oppossed to un-thaw - Wade) the Jedi that were frozen in carbonite, but when you started to move them from the cargo bay, it was discovered that the slab containing the deceased zabrak was empty. In panic mode, the crew search the Magellan, and the Rebels sealed off the landing bay, and began a search of the herdship.

Both searches came up empty, however, just as the crew was getting back together the astrogation computer started up on its own doing some kind of search for coordinates.

Panic ensues again, as the party tries to find the invader. Joruss does a physical search of the ship, Mater Dee starts working on getting the engines "offline", and Grarwarr starts isolating the astrogation computer from all other systems on the ship. After removing all the fuel from the engines, unloading all ordinance from the ships weapons, and isolating all systmes from astrogation, it is finally considered "safe" to let the computer complete its search. During the search, Mater Dee gets a feeling, that the search of the computer is somehow directed by the force.

The coordinates that the computer eventualy returns are for a planet - Camaas, one of the core worlds. Camaas was destroyed by a bombardment from space, by an unknown attacker shortly after the Clone Wars. Known as a peaceful world, it had no weapons, on planetary shields. Those shields were sabotaged, and the planet was blasted in oblivion. It is now uninhabitable, except with special breathing apparatus to keep out the ash and pollutants. There is one city, Refuge, were a collection of Camaasi who were off planet at the time of the destruction and Ithorians work to terraform the planet. The only other settlement is a small group of Bothans that are leasing a large crater where they "recycle" dangerous waste for its valuable byproducts.

After looking up the relevant facts on Camaas, the Navigation computer started on its own, but only displayed two things onits screen, the word "Blackhole", and a picture of the Holocron - the real one that was destroyed on Illum.

Well, after receiving word that the world Camaas came up under unusual circumstance, the Herd Master Tatupu came to visit the party. He told of a Herdship that crashed into the planet soon after its destruction. This crash has been kept secret since it happened, and Tatupu has asked you to investigate. Joruss agreed.

Lastly, the party decided to revive one of the people frozen in carbonite to help explain the missing zabrak. The block was hauled into the medical bay on the magellan, and the thawing process commenced with no apparent problems. The human inside the carbonite appeared healthy, and was able to breathe on his own, but also showed no brain activity. Mater Dee found a small metal net that covered the top of his head. It had some kind of small control box attached. Searches of the Magellans systems showed no reference to any similar device, so Mater Dee is proceeding to the medical labs of the herd ship for further research. Accompanying Mater Dee are Joruss, Beaker, Bar Bar, and Boppa. Grarwarr and the ugnauts stayed behind to watch the ship.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

New Friends - Old Enemies

After a lengthy discussion concerning the disposition of loot, Zak convinced the party that they needed to investigate the carbon freezing chamber at the end of the tunnel. Leaving Mater Dee to load bodies, and try and care for Grarwarr and Bar Bar; Zak, Beaker & Jorrus moved down the tunnel into the darkness. After traveling near to two thirds of a kilometer, they encountered a control panel and a force field. A few moments work by Beaker disabled the force field, but revealed only another control panel and force field. A few more moments work, and this one was dispatched revealing yet another control panel, and a large set of doors. Thankfully, this control panel also controlled the lights in the corridor. The three heroes moved on to the door.

Meanwhile, Mater Dee was able to construct an antidote to the drug that was keeping Grarwarr unconscious, so he was able to help with the looting and loading. Sadly, Bar Bar remained unconscious and Taloe remained beyond help.

Down the now lighted tunnel, Beaker worked at the control panel that controlled the large doors at the end of the tunnel. Interestingly, he found this one harder to operate because someone on the inside was trying to keep him out. After a couple tries he overcomes the resistance, and opens the door to reveal a large hexagonal chamber with a metal catwalk around the perimeter, stairs leading down to the lower level on the far side of the room, and some kind of large apparatus in the center of the lower level.

Upon entering the room, Beaker spots some movement on the far side of the catwalk, almost exactly opposite his current position. Beaker takes aim with his rifle, and calls for the being to back away from the wall. About this time, someone spots the light switch, and the room is illuminated, revealing a carbon freezing chamber, for bodies frozen in carbonite, and various and sundry electronic gizmos.

Eventually the being is recognized as an Ugnaut – an ugly, but tech oriented species. With a few soft spoken words, and gestures from various blaster weapons, the other three ugnauts are coaxed from their hiding places. After seeing that the ugnaut who was at the wall, was working to either open or close another doorway, Beaker opened it and saw another short being moving away down another corridor, pushing some kind of sled. After an order to stop is ignored, Beaker opens up, and kills the being with a couple well placed shots.

The very short battle brings Mater Dee and Grarwarr down the hall to the chamber. With the entire party gathered, and the demonstration of their willingness to use weapons, the ugnauts become quite friendly. After learning that the party has killed their captures, they become downright friendly.

More importantly, the party discovers Zaks friend Boppa on the cargo sled. She is unconscious, but now that Mater Dee has had time to study the drug, he awakens Boppa easily. While this is going on, Some of the party explore the newly found hallway, while others keep looking at the carbon freezing chamber.

While the search of the cavern continues, Boppa relates the story of how she was lured here by a vision she thoughtwas from the force, but she found to her horror was really from a malignant darksider, Blackhole.

In the freezing chamber, Mater Dee finds four beings already frozen, a zabrak (deceased), and three humans. In the new corridor, are six doors, and at the end of the chamber is a lift that rises up out of site although a cold breeze can be felt coming down.

Feeling that time is off the essence, the party quickly starts to explore, and move items to the end of the hall to exit the cavern. In the hallway to the chamber, doors are opened, and the party finds, a power generating station, a communication/computer control room, and quarters for the ugnauts and their captors. A quick visit to the most luxurious quarters reveals Boppas lightsaber and other equipment. More importantly, the communications room reveals that while the “normal” communications chater of a squad of stormtroopers is present, it is only cover for some other kind of monitoring. As the party prepares to go up the lift, a new message comes through the hyperspace transmitter.

The hyperspace message is from a shadowy figure that can be non-other than Blackhole. He demands to see Mara Prime, and Boppa uses an illusion to make her appear to answer questions. Her ruse works, until Blackhole demands to see the holocron. He reacts angrily to being duped, and the party reacts by cutting the connection.

In full retreat mode, they decide to use the lift to transport the carbon frozen bodies up and out of the cavern, while calling R2 to bring the Y-wing to them for transport back to the Magellan. As they are arranging transport, they grarwarr hears increased comm traffic on the planet – the storm troopers are coming.

Once they reach the top of the lift, Beaker, Joruss and Mater Dee find more carbon frozen bodies, and a crude landing chamber. The call R2, and alert their compatriots as the send down the lift. Meanwhile, the ugnauts have packed their meager belongings, and are waiting impatiently for a lift to freedom with the party. As the lift reaches the cavern and people pile on, Grarwarr decides that he needs to run back the kilometer to the crystal chamber instead of riding the lift. At about the same time, R2 arrives at the cavern, and Joruss and Beaker climb on to fly back to the magellan.

Grarwarr has enough time to load Bar Bars body onto a swoop bike and exit the cavern, just as the Y-wing lands. Beaker takes the controls of the magellan while Grarwarr gets into the Y-wing, and Joruss takes a moment to rush back into the cave, remebering the point of this mission – a new crystal for his lightsaber. After he returns with his prize, he two spacecraft take-off and fly the short distance to the cavern at the top of the lift.

Just as they arrive, Grarwarr detects two inbound transports and lets a couple of missles fly in their direction. Joruss and the rest of the party load the magellan with carbon frozen bodies and the party.

The discussion as they leave the planet turns to how they were all lured here by a false call generated by Blackhole, where to go now, and most importantly – who gets what bunk.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Game Night 1/10 - Hand Me a Booma

Our session starts with the heroes in a bad way.

Mater Dee is outside the cavern directing R2 to attack the large spider droid near the entrance.

Grarwarr, Bar Bar, and Beaker are engaged with two droids.

Joruss and Zak are engaged with Darth Krieg

R2's attacks with the Y-wing cause the droids to take cover farther inside the cave, and a good shot from one of them drops Grarwarr. Meanwhile Jedi, Sith and Rodian trade shots. A force boosted effort from Bar Bar finally takes care of the two droids, but not before the spider droid places a small device of some kind on Grarwarr.

Now that R2 has widened the opening and the droids are not a factor, Mater Dee tries to ride the swoop bike back into the cavern to help the wounded. Bar Bar turns his attention to Darth Krieg, and moves into the melee. Krieg, Joruss and Zak are still attaking each other, but it seems as if Krieg is gaining the upper hand.

Mater Dee leaves the swoop to attend to Grarwarr, and Beaker decides that it looks like a pretty good weapon. At nearly the same moment, a precise blaster shot drops Joruss, and Darth Kriegg kneels to place something on the unconscious jedi. Zak takes this opportunity to run to the remaining party members to beg their help in rescuing his friend who is being held in a chamber about a kilometer farther into the mountain, a chamber with a carbon freezing device.

Mater Dee is unable to counteract whatever it is that has stabilized but kept Grarwarr unconscious. Beaker, with his new found rideable projectile weapon, decides it's time to attack Darth Kriegg. His aim is only surpassed by his outstanding pilotting skill as he rams Darth Kriegg (and Bar Bar), knocking him (and Bar Bar) to the ground.

Being attacked by a swoop bike causes Darth Kriegg to decide that retreat is the better part of evil, and he makes his escape through a hidden passage out the back of the chamber. However, as he rises to escape, Bar Bar gets in one last Booma shot, that nearly drops him (and Bar Bar).

And as they say, the race is on...

Bar Bar is first down the tunnel after Darth Kriegg, and unfortunately gets close enough that a blaster shot from Kriegg drops him. Meanwhile Beaker has followed is and using his blaster rifle to try and pick off Kriegg, but is having no luck. Darth Kriegg picks up Bar Bar, places a device on his body, and keeps moving down the tunnel at a slower pace. Because of the added weight of Bar Bar (must be all the thermal detonators) the rest of the party starts to close on Darth Kriegg. In the long corridor leading to the carbon freezing chamber, the lights start going out, starting from the far end of the tunnel, and working their way towards our heroes.

A rapidly gaining party finally cause Darth Krieg to drop Bar Bars body and flat out run, but not before a shot from Beaker finally drops him. As Zak moves farther forward down the tunnel seeking his friends, he is surprised and attacked by two figures armed in jet black armor and striking with their fists.

Zak drops from an attack that deals some kind of electrical stun damage, but Beaker gets in a lucky shot that drops one of the armored figures that had moved to pickup Darth Kriegg. Mater Dee and Joruss move forward to attack the remaining armored figure and pause as they feel a wave of dark force energy moving towards them.

Mater Dee attacks (?) the remaining armored trooper, while Joruss uses the force to prepare for battle, and Beaker starts taking thermal detonators from Bar Bar's body.

A ways down the corridor, a red lightsaber ignites, illuminating a women in red. She moves unnaturally fast towards the party, and stops only long enough to receive the bast from a thermal detonator and three well placed shots from Zak. Continuing her move towards the party she assaults Joruss and Zak with lightning from her fingertips - twice. The barrage of thermal detonators continues, finally reducing her and the last armored trooper (and Darth Krieg) to smoldering corpses.

We end with Grarwarr and Bar Bar unconscious, Darth Kriegg/McQueen and Taloe dead, and Zak, Mater Dee, Joruss, and Beaker still mostly functioning.

See you next week...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Game Night - 1/4 The Trial

We start with all the heroes gathered in the Magellan preparing for the assoult on the temple of Illum. Healing, and reconaisance are the first order of business. After that, Mater Dee works on the newest version of the holocron with remote explosive goodness. His work is only interupted briefly to construct a truth serum for the captive changeling/bounty hunter. She provides only a few answers, yes there was a Sith down there- Darth Krieg, no she didn't know of anyone else.

Once the holocron is complete and the appointed hour arrived, the party begins the assult. The Magellean enters the atmosphere, and the Y-wing with Taloe and R2 detatch and fly high cover. On the approach, the party is not attacked, and no electronic signals are detected from the temple - or anywhere else really. At a distance of 50 meters, both ships land and the party approachs. R2 is tasked with staying on the Y-wing. Grarwarr rides one swoop bike, while Beaker and Mater Dee are on the other - watching the flanks. The only thing spotted outside the temple are the tracks of the retreating Blackhole troopers.

Things get interesting once Joruss enters the temple.

Joruss perceives himself transported to a flat stone plane, surrounded by figures both known and unknown. In his hand is an activated lightsaber, and at his back is McQueen - as he remembers him before his capture. In a very loose circle around him are Beaker, Jar Jar, an unknown Rodian with two heavy blasters, Grarwarr, Mater Dee, and Taloe. First things first, Beakers tosses a thermal detonater between Joruss and McQueen. The jedi decide to improve thier abilities with the force, and are then attacked or hindered by everyone else, including at least two more thermal detonaters, a smoke grenade, multiple blaster fire, and Force Lightning (of course it was Jar Jar). McQueen even turns on Joruss with his lightsaber. Through it all a confused and harried Joruss strikes out only once with his lightsaber at McQueen and even at the end is attempting only to flee when he is taken down by a grenade.

As Joruss appeared to take his last breath, he comes back to reallity, only a few steps into the Jedi Temple of Illum, feeling just a little stronger in the force.

The entire party finally enters the temple. Mater Dee and Grarwarr explore some empty tunnels in the front of the temple that were used by troopers for sniping and missile fire. The rest of the party make their way further in and find some areas of the temple give off dark and light side feelings. About halfway back they hear someone yelling for help. It appears to be McQueen. He is along the back wall of the temple with his hands behind his back, apparently being held captive by a Rodian with two heavy blasters. As the party approachs, Beaker and Taloe think they hear or see something hiding a ways up the walls of the cavern (the temple has obviously suffered some sort of massive cave-in many years ago, and even though cleaned up by the troopers it is very much more like a cave now). McQueens cries for help also bring Grarwarr into the main cavern. After closing within about 15 meters Mcqueen stops controlling Zak (the Rodian) and closes to attack Joruss. The party sees that he is now Darth Krieg, and he carries a blaster in one hand while the has been removed and replaced with a lightsaber.

As soon as Darth Krieg moves to attack, five droids drop from the ceiling to attack the party. Joruss and the rodian Zak attack Darth Krieg, while the other members of the party attack the droids. A lucky shot from one of the droids kills Taloe in the opening salvoe, before a barrage of thermal detonators force them to retreat or be reduced to slag. From outside the cave Mater Dee is using R2 and the Y-wing to widen the temple opening and get a clear shot at a large droid in the entrance.

We end the session with the party reduced by one, the droids reduced by at least two, and Darth Krieg facing of against Joruss.

See you on Tuesday at the top of the round.